Southwest Aquatic Team

Meet the Staff

We are here to help you!

Below, you will find information about the roles of our staff members and their email addresses.


Board of Directors

SWAT is a non-profit, full-service swim club that meets the needs of every level of swimmer, from lessons to Masters.

As a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization, we are governed by a parent-led board of directors. There are 9 voting directors, each of whom serves a 3-year term. There are also 4 non-voting members.

Here is a copy of the Team By-Laws.

Please feel free to contact any member of the SWAT Board of Directors with any questions or concerns:

Chairman of the Board Kristie Rask (2027)
Vice President Mike Doyle (2027)
Treasurer Kristin Beres (2026)
Secretary Kim Werth (2025)
At Large Beth Borneman (2026)
At Large Julia May (2025)
At Large Bonnie Rydelski (2025)
Athlete Member Ellyn Rask
Athlete Member Jillian Kneisler
Operations Manager (N/V) Brian Temke
Business Manager (N/V) Kay Chmielewski
Swim America Director (N/V) Jackson Zgola

Standing Committees

The following standing committees assist the board with the general operation of the club. Any member is welcome to assist/join any committee(s) with approval of the committee chair. If there is an area if interest, please reach out to the chair.

Swim America Committee: (chair Jack Chmielweski) This group oversees the general operation of the Swim America Lesson Program.

Schrank Scholarship Committee: (chair Beth Borneman) This group oversees the operation and administration of the Schrank Scholarship fund founded in late 2021 after the passing of Coach Dale Schrank.

Compensation/Incentive Committee: (chair TBD) This group provides advice and oversight to the Board of Directors on compensation and incentives for club employees

Social Committee: (chair TBD) This group helps plan and organize out of the water events such as our annual banquets and other team-building outings.

Meet Committee: (chair Mike Mellock) This group works to help recruit officials and "skilled" volunteers to help run high-quality swim meets.

Operations Committee: (chair Brian Temke) This group works to ensure smooth operation and transitions in the SWAT office.

Group Liasions: This group (one parents per training group) act as a point of communication for new families and a conduit of communication to the Board of Directors and Coaching Staff. See below:

  • 8 & under: Dawn Kaml
  • AGW: Julia May
  • AGR: Julia May
  • AGB: Bonnie Rydelski & Sara Henson
  • JRR: Beth Borneman
  • JRB: Kay Chimielewski
  • SRR: Kristie Rask
  • SRB: Kristie Rask
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