We are here to help you!
Below, you will find information about the roles of our staff members and their email addresses.
SWAT is a non-profit, full-service swim club that meets the needs of every level of swimmer, from lessons to Masters.
As a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization, we are governed by a parent-led board of directors. There are 9 voting directors, each of whom serves a 3-year term. There are also 4 non-voting members.
Here is a copy of the Team By-Laws.
Please feel free to contact any member of the SWAT Board of Directors with any questions or concerns:
Chairman of the Board | Kristie Rask (2027) | kkachar@yahoo.com |
Vice President | Mike Doyle (2027) | mikedoyle2710@gmail.com |
Treasurer | Kristin Beres (2026) | keberes2@gmail.com |
Secretary | Kim Werth (2025) | werthk@elmbrookschools.org |
At Large | Beth Borneman (2026) | emhoffmann@wi.rr.com |
At Large | Julia May (2025) | juliamay11@gmail.com |
At Large | Bonnie Rydelski (2025) | bonnielynn42@hotmail.com |
Athlete Member | Ellyn Rask | |
Athlete Member | Jillian Kneisler | |
Operations Manager (N/V) | Brian Temke | office@swimswat.org |
Business Manager (N/V) | Kay Chmielewski | businessmanager@swimswat.org |
Swim America Director (N/V) | Jackson Zgola | coachjackson@swimswat.org |
The following standing committees assist the board with the general operation of the club. Any member is welcome to assist/join any committee(s) with approval of the committee chair. If there is an area if interest, please reach out to the chair.
Swim America Committee: (chair Jack Chmielweski) This group oversees the general operation of the Swim America Lesson Program.
Schrank Scholarship Committee: (chair Beth Borneman) This group oversees the operation and administration of the Schrank Scholarship fund founded in late 2021 after the passing of Coach Dale Schrank.
Compensation/Incentive Committee: (chair TBD) This group provides advice and oversight to the Board of Directors on compensation and incentives for club employees
Social Committee: (chair TBD) This group helps plan and organize out of the water events such as our annual banquets and other team-building outings.
Meet Committee: (chair Mike Mellock) This group works to help recruit officials and "skilled" volunteers to help run high-quality swim meets.
Operations Committee: (chair Brian Temke) This group works to ensure smooth operation and transitions in the SWAT office.
Group Liasions: This group (one parents per training group) act as a point of communication for new families and a conduit of communication to the Board of Directors and Coaching Staff. See below:
PO Box 20738, Greenfield, WI, 53220, United States
Competitive Program Email:
Lesson Program Email:
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